Sunday 19 June 2011

happy father's day

Happy fathers Day to my lovely Dad.  I'm sorry I won't be with him today.  I am looking forward to Wednesday though when I'll be spending the day with him when he comes to visit with my Aunt Gill who is over here from Canada for a three week holiday.

I made a Fathers Day card for him using an old photo of him aged 20.  I'm not sure what he'll make of me posting it here for all to see - he's dressed in a shirt and tie whilst roller skating!  He looks so much like my son in this photo and yet I don't really see the similarity in them in person.

Happy Fathers Day to MrG too.  He received some nice Fathers Day pressies from his wee brood, he had poached eggs on toasted muffins for breakfast and little MissG took him to see the new snow leopard at the Wildlife Oasis.  She made this lovely card for him (picture to follow) and some cup cakes. Mmmmm yummy!

It was also my mother-in-laws birthday this week - Happy Birthday Antonietta!  MrG was hoping to visit (and take his Harley out for a ride) but he had a stressful week at work and ended up having to work on Saturday. 

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